Project: InfinityPi #5 (Simple Test)
A package arrived today, with the last parts of my InfinityPi: Portable Power! Therefore I made a little test run :)
Project: InfinityPi #4 (Joystick)
As promised I will wire up a simple joystick this time. Furthermore I will give you a little overview over an Arduino joystick library.
Project: InfinityPi #3 (analog IO)
This time I will show you an even smaller Ardunio board, that is comparable to the Arduino micro, but that costs much less. Furthermore I will write a bit about analog readings.
Project: InfinityPi #2 (digital IO)
A portable gaming station needs an integrated controller. In this blog post I will start with the basics of the gamepad development.
Project: InfinityPi (Portable RetroPi) #1
I recently started to think about a little project with the Raspberry Pi 3. My goal is to build a little portable gaming station based on RetroPie.